Sunday, March 26, 2006

Young People's Theater by Geraldine and Gerry Hodson

Dear Mayor Gonzales, Councilman Williams and Mr. White,

We urge you to fully support the wonderful Young People’s Theater program at Kirk Community Center, and the staffers who give so much of themselves to make it happen. As a resident, taxpayer, and consistent voter, we value programs like this that benefit children much more highly than activities such as bringing the Grand Prix to San Jose.

We understand that it is the beginning of the budgeting cycle for the City of San Jose, and would like to add my support to that of all of the other concerned parents, grandparents and citizens and ask that:

Carole Ferris Greer’s position is reclassified into the After School/Youth Services Program

Recommendations are made to the PRNS management to fully fund the Young People’s Theater program


Geraldine and Gerry Hodson
CA 95125


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